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Registration begins February 14, 2025! View 2025 summer offerings and information now.

Music Instruction Music Instruction

Award-winning music lessons, ensembles, and group classes for aspiring musicians of all ages and skill levels — children, teens, and adults.

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Early Childhood Early Childhood

Morning & Full-Day Preschool programs with a full, child-centered curriculum of creative specials like music, science, drama, social and emotional learning, and more!

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Music Therapy Music Therapy

Established in 1966, our pioneering Center for Music Therapy (CMT) uses guided music experiences to help individuals meet life's challenges.

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BOP STOP at The Music Settlement is Cleveland's premier listening room: an intimate, acoustically pristine performance venue with sweeping views of Lake Erie.

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Outlab: Experiments in Improvised Music @ BOP STOP

October 17 from 9:00pm - 11:55pm

Outlab: Experiments in Improvised Music @ BOP STOP

OutLab: Experiments in Improvised Music is a monthly laboratory for spontaneous interactive musical exploration. Musicians with open ears are invited to bring instruments, or any sound making device (drum kit and keyboard provided) and explore collective group improvisation. Please bring your own amps if needed.

Instead of "rules" that might pre-empt or short-circuit such explorations, we offer the following guidelines 1) to direct our explorations along the most productive and positive lines, and 2) to engage the widest possible variety of individuals from Greater Cleveland's rich and diverse music scenes:

1. Respect the space, property and contributions of others that make this exploration of group dynamics possible;

2. Regard the collective as having priority over the individual;

3. Realize listening as having importance at least equal to that of playing.

The hosts, Dan Wenninger and Tom Orange, reserve the right to arrange, orchestrate and direct the proceedings as they deem most conducive to the above principles.

Doors/Set-Up 8pm, Music 9pm, Free Admission

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Outlab: Experiments in Improvised Music @ BOP STOP
Outlab: Experiments in Improvised Music @ BOP STOP


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